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DNA in Vaccines


Beyond the incomplete information that FL State Surgeon General Ladapo released recently, there are extensive research results that we think people must have the access to, on a topic that deeply affects them and their next generation: incorporation of foreign DNA into the human genome.


It has been known for over 40 YEARS in biomedical literature that aspects of mRNA reincorporate into the human genome, and it has been known since mid 2022 that DNA fragments have been part of the vaccine vials that were disseminated to the public. Recently, several labs have confirmed the instability of mRNA and the presence of DNA introduced by the vaccines into the body through the biological Trojan Horse method of being wrapped in lipid-nanoparticles. In December 2023, German TV MDR and Austrian TV Servus highlighted the risks of DNA in COVID vaccines. Ignoring all of this, the authorities continue to claim that there is no danger of the vaccine affecting human DNA. We would like to let them know of this as well.W


If you wish to add your name to our communication of this information to the Utah State and Local Health Departments, State Legislators and the Media, please fill out the details in this FORM.

Image by ANIRUDH


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There are several established facts in the public domain regarding COVID vaccines that must first be noted:


  1. What you saw was not what you got: The Clinical Trials were done for a different type of vaccine than the one that was deployed on a large scale to the public.

  2. The vaccines were not even required to undergo safety trials and could be approved based on “reasonable belief”, since they used FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

  3. The FDA process bypassed informed consent requirements, making forced-vaccinations legal. It also short-circuited good manufacturing practices by declaring EUA.

  4. The vaccines were classified as Countermeasures under “Other Transaction Authority” by the Department of Defense, which were supposed to be applied only to prototypes (not millions of vaccine doses) and which also did not require good manufacturing practices.

  5. The Court admitted that if the FDA got it wrong, they would do nothing about it, or in effect, they would allow it.

  6. Dangers of DNA damage, cancers, and infant health were not even studied prior to release of the vaccines.


When it was stated that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective, and cause no harms related to cancer, DNA damage, and would not affect fertility – both the manufacturers and the authorities made a fraudulent statement to the public, most likely to enhance vaccine uptake.


To alert the Utah health authorities about this issue with your name, please fill out this FORM.

Anchor Fraud
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